Saturday, April 07, 2007

Fred Thompson in the Race?

For Conservatives, Thompson's entry into the race will bring a sigh of relief. At the moment, the Republican frontrunners have so many negatives with regard to core Conservative issues, that it is looking pretty dim.

Giuliani seems to me to be a good bet as a strong leader on the war on Terrorism. And that's important to me. But his lackadaisical stand on illegal immigration is a deal breaker.

I don't care if he's pro-choice, been married 3 times, dressed as a woman for some party, lived with homosexual roommates.

But I care that he thinks that abridging the 2nd Amendment is OK...and that Mexicans have just as much right to California as I do.

Won't fly. Can't vote for him.

Please Senator Thompson...make it official.


  1. That's NOT the only reason to vote for Rudy Giuliani.

    He cut taxes 23 Times!!! as Mayor of New York. Taxes trump EVERYTHING in the issues order, except maybe winning the War on Islamo-Fascism.

    Fred's good, but I'm sticking with Giuliani. He's right on the two most important issues: Cutting Taxes and Stopping the Islamo-Fascists.

    Eric at

  2. Eric, Welcome...

    I agree Rudy is good on those two issues.
    But there are two equally critical issues to me: the 2nd Amendment, and securing the borders.

    I'm not prepared to wholehearted support anyone who is not firmly committed to them.

    Thompson is good on all of the above. His record in the Senate, and his statements on record confirm it.

    I'm afraid he's my guy...if he runs.

    Fear not..I WILL vote for Rudy against ANY democrat!
