Thursday, October 19, 2006

With Friends Like That...

"British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett last week issued the latest European demand to close down the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The existence of the prison is "unacceptable" and fuels Islamic radicalism around the world, she said, echoing a recent chorus of complaints from Europe about U.S. counterterrorism policy.

Behind the scenes, however, the British government has repeatedly blocked efforts to let some prisoners leave Guantanamo and return home."
Nice. Score points with the enemy and their collaborators by slamming us...but use us to do your dirty work.

St. George would not be pleased.

The Gunslinger

1 comment:

  1. Shieldwall, I never doubted YOU wouldn't agree with this stupidity. Of course, our Democratic politicians are no better. They'd rather see more American soldiers die, and the United States lose the war than see George Bush succeed. They are sick, treasonous bastards. But...we're to sensitive and modern to charge anyone with treason anymore.

    Ted Kennedy could take a suitcase of secret military plans to Iran, be seen on camera to exchange them for money, and our media would not blink an eye. If Bush protested, the Libs would blame him for "politicizing the war", and "swift-boating" Kennedy.

    I mean, Sandy Berger (Liberal lap dog for Bill Clinton) stole documents from the National Archives by stuffing them down his pants and walking out, and everyone knows it.Yet it barely made a ripple outside Right Wing talk radio.

    They're all theives and whores.

    Naturally, I agree with you...the "detainees" don't deserve sunlight, let alone freedom.
