"White Nationalism" is the common term describing the burgeoning movement to defend white majority countries from being over run by non-white, non-Europeans, thereby changing the character of the nations, and leaving whites effectively without "a country of their own"--i.e. making whites a permanent minority in every country on earth. This is happening with frightening rapidity in Europe, Britain, and parts of the United States.
The great majority of people who are part of this growing movement are perfectly normal, non-racists who see that our racial, cultural, and historical heritage is heavily under siege, and that our governments, our media, our institutions of learning, our churches, and even our corporations are collaborating with the besiegers.
"White Nationalism" is the awakening sense of urgency to defend ourselves, our land, our culture, our heritage and history from the invading hordes of people who do not---and do not wish to---share them.
As recently as 30 years ago it would have been absurd and offensive for whites to adopt an expicitly racial identity in the United States, where whites were an overwhelming majority, living in a country that universally respected, honored and enshrined our cultural, historical and religious heritage.
And during that period, there were some who nevertheless, for reasons of fear, inferiority or simple stupidity, DID claim racial identity and superiority. And if you're looking for it there are traces of their ugliness to be found crouching under the umbrella of White Nationalism amidst the anarchy that is the Internet. Nobody can stop cretins from saying cretinous things in the free-wheeling marketplace of ideas. Just as no-one can stop the Politically Correct from seeking them out, and using them to taint an entire movement. (See Wikipedia's article on "White Nationalism" for example.)
But let us be clear: What was once unnecessary is now required for survival: a clear and proud sense of our own identity, and our right to the country we made.
I live in California: a State that has encouraged and permitted such a flood of illegal immigration of third-world, non-white, non-Europeans that whites are now a minority in our own State, English is not universally spoken, and non-assimilated, non-citizens feel free to burn the flag of the United States, attack government buildings, run riot in the streets, vowing to "re-conquer their" land, burn our President in effigy, and demand the rights and privileges of citizenship without the comensurate duties, responsibilites and most importantly, loyalty.
In my State, millions of taxpayer dollars are spent to educate the children of illegal invaders. Every penny spent to educate them is taken from our own children. And our schools are in crisis. But no one dares speak the words: Illegal aliens. We are experiencing a medical care crisis. Emergency rooms are closing because they are required to serve everyone, and Illegals use them as free clinics, driving them into backruptcy.
In my State, political advertisements are produced and broadcast in languages that I do not understand, encouraging those who cannot understand English to vote a certain way . Fluency in English is supposed to be a requirement for citizenship. To whom are these commercials speaking? And what are they saying?
In my State, there are towns in which an English-speaker cannot (or will not) be understood; where it is impossible for a native to communicate for a business transaction, a social encounter, an emergency.
How did it come to this? And who, exactly, thinks this is a good idea?
I am a White European American. My forebears discovered, populated, tamed, built, fought for, died for, paid for, enriched, defended, and bequeathed their culture to this country. It is not only my right, but my duty and responsibility, as an American, to defend her from invasion, foreign colonization, cultural rape, and linguistic balkanization.
They say, "As California goes, so goes the nation ." If so, this is a critical battleground that should be of concern to the entire country. If we fail to protect our culture and heritage here, your town may be next.
In California, Britain and Europe "Nationalism" is not only an idea whose time as come, but one which is critically overdue.
For more information, see the British National Party
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
11 months ago
WOW...consider that my next post!
ReplyDeleteLGF...eat your heart out...!
Excellent post. I agree with everything.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know it was so bad in california. I think it might get just as bad here in england shortly but with muslims if we don't do anything about it.
I agree with all the above. Well done, GS.
ReplyDeleteDavid Duke's website http://www.davidduke.com
reveals that immigration is costing you almost $30,000,000,000 a year.
(Just what you wanted to hear, I'm sure.)
I recall that he forecast in his NAAAWP newsletter in the 1980s the racial change that you are now seeing in California.
Unfortunately I don't now have the article but I have another one where researchers at Berkeley predicted that the black and white populations of the US would be equal in 180 years (from the mid 80s).
Clearly this isn't fast enough for the USA-destroyers, which suggests why immigration is so heavily supported by your 'movers and shakers.'
It will be horrendous when the San Andreas fault yields 'the big one' - and I sincerely hope you and everyone close to you get enough advance warning to escape to Nevada or Oregan, but it might be the only solution to CA's spiralling immigration nightmare.
nationalism is growing rapidly, WHY,because nations and races are losing their identities due to massive immigration and racist governments.The day will come when it reaches boiling point if the situation is not checked now!.
ReplyDeleteThe great majority of people who are part of this growing movement are perfectly normal, non-racists...
ReplyDeleteYes, I would agree, about that as well as about the urgency of the threat today to the demographic heritage of America as a majority white nation. Which IMO has value and is worth preserving, even if it means having to endure being called names to achieve that (see below).
And I would say that I am a 'white nationalist', or rather have become one over the last few years, largely in response to what I have seen immigration do to California (I no longer live there); for example, the 2000 census showed that 1/3 of the adults in the SFBA were born in another country, which you can really see and feel out on the street -- the area just did not feel like home anymore, like part of America.
If you have time, you may want to read part of this thread -- starting about 2/3 of the way down ("Yes, I am shocked."). Basically, I said I thought the hoopla over those (apparently) voter intimidation letters was way overdone in comparison to the harm virtually uncontrolled Hispanic immigration is doing to California and the US -- harm because as a demographic group Hispanics are significantly more criminal and significantly less successful in school. I then provide some data to back up those claims. Note the near hysterical anti-empirical response, full of sneering derision and name calling.
So I'm not so sure an open political discourse around "White Nationalism" is possible today, or if it ever will be.
Thanks for your post.
Anonymous...Thanks for your kind words. Hey, thanks for ALL your words!
ReplyDeleteYes we're just totally hysterical about race in this country. (Check out Shelby Steele's book "White Guilt". He identifies the genesis of this craziness.)
But if we don't talk about it, there's no hope for change. If you can't SPEAK it, you can't SOLVE it.
OK..I was going to go on, but this is a subject for an entirely new post. Thanks for the Inspiration!
And please come back.
You made a very good post over at the TAPP blog.
ReplyDeleteThe whole business of those letters and the hyperbolic response to them is absolutely absurd.
BTW, per my comment here, I will be interested to see whether the authorities show as much zeal in investigating the death threats made against Barbara Coe. Or if they will bother to do anything at all.
Of course I will try to read your blog as often as I can, and make a comment now and then as well.
eh--It's so hard to read that stuff, and engage in the conversation. It's like walking through the looking glass.
ReplyDeleteIf you tell an immigrant (not a citizen) that he is not allowed to vote...you are somehow attempting to illegally surpress the vote.
I'm pulling my hair out....aaaarrrggghhh!
These people are clearly and absolutely INSANE.
I followed a link here from RSTDT (being involved with the White Nationalist movement, I'm sure you've heard of it before) but having read this post, I have to say I didn't find it particularly racist. You make some good points, even though I disagree with your overall nationalistic view. Being English, I hear so very much nationalist rhetoric, but going outside and experiencing the country puts a lie to the majority of it. Having lived in a predominantly Muslim area (almost directly opposite a mosque, in fact!) And seen no evidence of the "ravening hordes" that are apparently overrunning my country and stamping out my race. Obviously from what you've said, things may (forgive me for assuming a hint of bias in your reporting :-P) be worse in the USA, but in this country what we're told by nationalist groups is largely untrue.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, that was where your post lost me. I was accepting that you had cause to be upset and even made a couple of reasonable points, until you linked to the BNP. A party which, while denying any inherent racism (and very publicly toting it's extremely few non-white members for the camera) attracts racism like flies to shit. If you wish to be taken seriously, it may be best not to align yourself with those who are widely acknowledged as small-minded racists.