Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Clinton "Legacy"

I understand "spin" for political purposes. I don't like it. But I understand it.

But the blatant lies being blown by Democrats regarding Bill Clinton's direct responsibility for the mess in North Korea is beyond the pale.

On the other hand, one has to wonder...

Do the Democrats really understand what they are saying? They are insisting that nothing Clinton did mattered in the slightest degree; that 6 months• of a Bush presidency was sufficient to wipe any effect of 8 years of Clintonian policy completely off the pages of history. (Like a foul swamp miasma dissipated by a clean fresh breeze—but that's a simile for a different point.)

They say that nothing Clinton did contributed to 9-11. But 9-11 happened.

They say that nothing Clinton did contributed to North Korea developing a nuclear bomb. But North Korea did develop a nuclear bomb.

And maybe that is the best he can hope for as a legacy:
"Nothing I did mattered at all! Nothing that happened subsequent to my 8 years in office was influenced in the slightest degree by anything I did. My presidency was ineffective, my policies ephemeral. I cannot be blamed for anything that happened after January 20th 2000, because my presidency was all about ego, image and appetite. Besides, IT'S ALL BUSH'S FAULT!
*2 months spent getting organized because of the late start forced by Agore's contention of 2000

The Gunslinger

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