The new movie "Death of a President", whose maker I shall not name, is a dangerous step in a continuing downward spiral of violent speech, violent imagry, and actual violence engaged in by the Collaborators*.
In the Republic of Rome, shortly before the time of Lucious Cornelius Sulla, and powerfully influencing his actions, the partisans began to de-traditionalize the political process, by introducing more and more outrageous behaviors and strategies to insure that their party won election, or that their own pet programs and policies were approved.
This continued until in order to win the day, they actually assassinated an opponent.
The result of this action, this final loss of all honor and decency; this descent into pure evil in order to win, was the death knell of the Roman republic, and began it's decline into a monarchy. Once the floodgates of assassination were opened, it became common practice by all parties, cliques, and powers.
Sulla contributed to this degeneration by being the first Roman general ever to march his army ON Rome, against Romans (with the excuse that he was saving it from tyranny—i.e., his political rival), thereby setting the precedent of powerful generals using their armies to threaten Rome, and successfully extort Consulships and political power, and self-gratifying and self-enriching concessions for themselves and their backers and cronies.
The depth of depravity, bad taste, bad politics and evil precedent setting reached by the movie "Death of a President", may very well be the latest plunge down the same road to hell for our republic. How long will it be before the thrill of the screen version of the assassination of a sitting president, isn't enough to satisfy the mad ravings and power lust of his enemies—who just "want to save the republic from tyranny?"
The disgusting degeneration of political dialogue by the Collaborators* is swampy foul, and it only leads one sexual further depths of depravity and corruption.
They are, as always, cluesless, careless, stupid and ignorant of the consequences of their actions...and the well-known fact that Genies don't go back into bottles.
Jeff-Jacoby has a great piece about this in Townhall today.
The Gunslinger
*See Blog Terms & Definitions
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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