The spectacle of Muslim Imams, Muslim Mullahs, Muslim Clerics, Muslim apologists, and Muslim dirty-boys on the street threatening the Pope is the livin' end. Not that I ever had much, but my patience with the entire lot of them just gave out. I haven't believed in the myth of "moderate" Muslims for a long time, but I was sort of willing to suspend disbelief on the chance that my more kind-hearted, hopeful, tolerant betters were right.
And, honestly, a part of me always felt sort of sorry for Muslims because they're such dupes. I mean their "prophet" (which should be spelled "profit") was this conniving, bullshit artist who pretended he talked to God, and as a result of his "teachings" most of them have been trapped in sewer nations, living in huts and gutters like troglogytes for the last several centuries. If they didn't happen to have oil, all those "princes" would be cavemen.
Somebody, tell me where I'm wrong here:
Muhammad (may he piddle his adult diaper) was a vilolent, deranged, ignorant, self-serving, self-aggrandizing liar. He was a vengeance driven, baby-raping hoser who suckered other losers into going along with him by making robbery, murder, rape, kidnapping, indiscriminate slaughter, rapine and a host of other barbarities into Godly virtues. PLUS...after committing every self-indulgent sin imaginable in this life, when you die, you get to fuck like a pimp for eternity.
In modern terms, he made shitheads and scumbags feel good about themselves.
And apparently it's still working.
The Gunslinger
(Oh, and before anybody gets their knickers in a twist about my slandering an entire religion, please note the "Face of Islam" in the photo above. If you claim that this is not the authentic "Face of Islam", then please show us the "real" one. Otherwise, STFU!)
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