Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The "Liberal Street?"

I have made a deal with myself. I will talk politics to anyone at all, Liberal, Libertarian or Conservative as long as they do not mention President Bush.

You can immediately see this is not fair. Conservatives—and some Libertarians— can have lengthy, deep, interesting conversations about policy, history and politics without referring to the current President. (They did have a little trouble with that during the 90's)

Liberal Nutters, on the other hand, can't order a doughnut and coffee without blaming President Bush for the lack of parking, the snotty teenaged clerk, the stale pastry or the bad brew. Indeed their obssession with him borders on mental disorder.

And there is no better evidence of it than "The World Can't Wait". Take a gander at their page. (This same ad appears full page in USA Today) Here are the ravings of people so filled with blind rage against a single human being that it actually seems to have damaged their cognitive abilities.

You can read it for yourself and come to your own conclusions. But I simply can't refrain from quoting a couple of their most egregious absurdities:

YOUR GOVERNMENT is moving each day closer to a theocracy, where a narrow and hateful brand of Christian fundamentalism will rule.

YOUR GOVERNMENT suppresses the science that doesn't fit its religious, political and economic agenda, forcing present and future generations to pay a terrible price.

Really, one is left breathless.

The religion they fear most in today's post 9/11 world is Christianity.

And, I think one may assume that by "science" they mean stem cell research. They equate declines to pay for with taxpayers' money with suppression. Not only are they pathologically ignorant, they apparently cannot read a dictionary.
YOUR GOVERNMENT is moving to deny women here, and all over the world, the right to birth control and abortion.
Again, the inability to distinguish the unwillingness to PAY for something from the SUPPRESSION of it.
YOUR GOVERNMENT enforces a culture of greed, bigotry, intolerance and ignorance.
Do they mean the government that enforces intolerance by calling Islam, "The Religion of Peace"? ( Not to mention letting idiots like you put ads like this into the paper?) And refusing to profile Middle Eastern men, so their feeling won't get hurt? Or do they mean the government that enforces bigotry by offering amnesty to millions of illegal aliens who are invading our country? Or do they mean the one that is enforcing ignorance by increasing spending on government schools until even Liberals blush? And demanding performance standards for schools and teachers, so NO CHILD will be LEFT BEHIIND? Or the one enforcing greed by givine BILLIONS of charity dollars in foreign aid to countries all over the world—many of which spit in our faces while grabbing our money?

And so it goes. But those are just the preliminaries. The feature presentation is to:

BRING DOWN THE BUSH REGIME! taking to the streets! They don't seem very clear on the mechanics of exactly how this is supposed to work. But they are VERY enthusiastic about it.

Should somebody tell them that in America we regularly change "regimes" in little exercises we like to call "elections"? And that in two years, George W. Bush's "regime" will end...even without Chairman Mao's Useful Idiot Revolutionary Brigade hitting the streets?


That would ruin the fun of watching them make such fools of themselves. And in the end, isn't seeing anus-clenched, librarian-lipped Liberals make fools of themselves all that really matters?

The Gunslinger
(It's a shame you can't just shoot the bastards.)

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