Newt Gingrich has a good piece in Opinion Journal today about facing the fact that our half-stepping strategy in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Islamic War in general is failing. He says:
"The first and greatest lesson of the last five years parallels what Lincoln came to understand. The dangers are greater, the enemy is more determined, and victory will be substantially harder than we had expected in the early days after the initial attack. Despite how painful it would prove to be, Lincoln chose the road to victory. President Bush today finds himself in precisely the same dilemma Lincoln faced 144 years ago. With American survival at stake, he also must choose. His strategies are not wrong, but they are failing. And they are failing for three reasons..."
The infection of Political Correctness, "sensitivity", and "tolerance" has poisoned even this he-man Texan and his administration. It has caused re-thinking, second-guessing, back-pedalling, and insufficient aggression.
This is a life and death struggle. Pretty manners won't save our lives. It's time to get tough, acknowledge the threat, admit the viciousness of the enemy and fight him like we mean it.
We avoided having to learn German. I'd just as soon avoid Farsi if you don't mind.
The Gunslinger
(Isn't it about time we got serious about shooting the bastards?)_
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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