Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Thomas Sowell, resident genius at Townhall, has a must read column today.

It casts in proper historical perspective the weasley and absurd, cowardly and appeasing scramble for a "cease-fire" between Israel and Chez-Boo-Laah". (Pronounced with the hard Hebraic "ch", and the accent on whatever syllable you feel like at the time. Optionally: Fezz-Boo-Laah, which is growing on me.)

Israel will be forced to stop defending herself and await the next missile barrage, and Chez-Boo-Laah will have time to re-arm.

That Koffi-Anan, the French and Lebanon think it's a good idea is no surprise. Why we would countenance it is confounding. Bush, again, is a serious disappointment.

Of course, Olmert is a disgrace. All hat, no cattle.

(The wrong bastards are doing the shooting, this time.)

The Gunslinger

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