The profound inconsistencies between Liberal positions, declarations, behavior and arguments and real facts on the ground, lead one to believe that they are either stupid or evil. The glaring contradictions and absurdities of their rhetoric confuse us and make them appear to be feckless and, well, stupid...or deliberately lying for the advancement of some hidden, evil agenda.
Being battered by Liberal nonsense on a daily basis has convinced most Conservative Republicans that one of the above, or some combination of the two is true.
But I think we might be missing the essential reality of the Liberal mindset. First, I think we must realize that they don't operate from a "mind"-set....but rather from a "heart"-set. They are uncomfortable with all the stringent requirements of the mind: intellectual rigor, honesty and discipline, organized thought, reason, rationality, disinterest and logic.
If you listen to an artist speak of his art, whether acting, poetry, painting or music, he talks about "truth"...but he means Emotional Truth...the truth of the feelings. Observable physical FACTS are never the point. What matters is only how one reacts emotionally TO them. Indeed, to cry or rage easily is a virtue in an actor.
And if you listen to a Liberal discussing "issues", you will hear the same theme in the background. Sad, anxious or fearful emotions about war, judgement, anger, personal responsibility and sacrifice result in a belief that they are bad. Happy emotions about peace, drugs and sex translate into a belief that they are good.
It is this "Heart-Set" from which Liberals act, speak and believe. They are unaware that they are not operating in the world of logic and reason, in the same way that an artist believes HIS TRUTH, his genius, to be true.
While this is wonderful for ART, it's not so good for LIFE.
The Liberals, seen this way, are internally consistent...unfailingly so:
Whatever makes them "feel good" is GOOD/TRUE; whatever makes them "feel bad", is BAD/FALSE.
This makes for myriad ridiculous conclusions and positions, obviously. But since they operate exclusively from emotion, it creates a sort of internal, emotional consistency: "All my beliefs make me feel good. Therefore they are (and I AM) consistent, good and true."
Since intellect, reason, rationality, proof or logic never enter into it, such arguments are never engaged in, therefore the emotional consistency is never questioned; never doubted.
Liberals literally don't realize that their set of "beliefs" are absurd, inconsistent, self-serving, destructive, hopeless failures in the real world, as so many of the lives of the greatest artists have been. And for the same reasons.
It is no surprise that Hollywood and New York, historical redoubts of "artists", are emotional Liberal bastions.
(Unfortunately you can't just shoot the bastards.)
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago